Performance Days – and the Digital Textile Connection will be there!

We are part of the Digital Textile Connection (DTC) – and we will be at the Performance Days exhibition in Munich on November 13 and 14. The Performance Days is a unique platform for the functional sports and active wear segment. The event offers a very good overview of current trends and developments in textiles, plus accessories such as yarns, finishes and accessoires. Visitors can find the complete product range of high-quality functional fabrics and materials here. “Together with our partners at the Performance Days, we will be showing how fabrics and other materials with realistic colors and 3D properties can be integrated into the creation process of new products from the outset and reliably transported onwards,” says Assyst’s Gerhard Karl.

The DTC brings together the expertise of different companies resulting in a full digital workflow. Assyst is responsible for the 3D simulation of clothing. Other partners are Color Digital, Epson, X-Rite Pantone, Peter Büdel Accessoires, DMI and Eizo.


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