• Digital Learning

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    Get the know-how with clear examples
    and best practices as webinars in your company.

Individual Laying & Material Usage

automarker.com – Smartplacement: using strategic nesting rules


  • Ensuring Quality and Design Specifications
  • Handling of material with colour variations, for example from selvedge to selvedge
  • How to create high efficient markers by using strategic nesting rules

Target group: CAD department, but also management, production management, work preparation management


  I would like to make an individual appointment


Release 20.19 - new functions for CAD.Assyst and 3D Vidya

Content: CAD.Assyst

  • Smart.filter for pieces
  • new notch-types
  • rotate piece areas
  • raglan macros

Content: 3D Vidya

  • macros for sewing
  • new handling of the design elements
  • new add-on modules variant configurator and Vidya.Sketch

Target group: CAD and Vidya users


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Cut Order Planning

automarker.com - Order optimization with Autocost

Target group: anyone who wants more effcient preliminary costing


  • Introducing "Beta-Site" Concept
  • New Autocost extension
  • New browser gerneration
  • New Autocost functionality
  • Defining test scenarios


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Product Life Cycle Management

Collection framework planning in PLM.GoLive


  • Planning of products
  • Collection progress overview

Target group: Interested parties and customers


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Individual Laying & Material Usage

automarker.com – Precise and verifiable preliminary costing


  • Using Autocost (cut order planning) and Automarker (fully automatic marker nesting), precisely calculate the material usage for the new collection
  • Parallel processing of several preliminary costing orders
  • Placed markers and detailed material reports

Target group: CAD department, but also management, production management, work preparation management


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Individual Laying & Material Usage

automarker.com – The digital process solution for cut order planning and marker making


  • How automarker.com supports the complete processing of production orders
  • Cut order planning, fully automatic marker making and distribution of the placed markers to production partners
  • Notification by email when markers are ready for production
  • Stay in control about material costs and your processes

Target group: CAD department, but also management, production management, work preparation management


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Design & Grading

Cad.Assyst: Presentation of the new tool "Smart.Stretch"


  • What is Smart.Stretch?
  • Introduction to the topic material inlet and cutting adjustment
  • Introducing the individual Smart.Stretch tools (preparing parts, creating rule lists, etc.)
  • Live demo (modification of the cut parts with Smart.Stretch)
  • Questions & answers about Smart.Stretch

Target group: pattern makers and product managers in the apparel industry


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Design & Grading

Cad.Assyst: Automate processes with Smart.Pattern (live demo standard macros)


  • What is Smart.Pattern? (philosophy and product structure)
  • What is Smart.Pattern inside CAD?
  • Introduction to Smart.Runtime
  • Live demo of individual macros, participants’ requests will be addressed
  • Questions about macro technology

Target group: pattern makers and product managers in the apparel industry


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Design & Grading

Cad.Assyst: Automate processes with Smart.Pattern (live demo macro libary)


  •     What is Smart.Pattern? (philosophy and product structure)
  •     What’s actually in the Macro Library?
  •     Live demo covering the entire Macro Library, participants’ requests will be addressed
  •     Questions about macro technology

Target group: pattern makers and product managers in the apparel industry


  I would like to make an individual appointment

3D Visualization & Simulation

Release 20.19 - new functions for CAD.Assyst and 3D Vidya

Content: CAD.Assyst

  • Smart.filter for pieces
  • new notch-types
  • rotate piece areas
  • raglan macros

Content: 3D Vidya

  • macros for sewing
  • new handling of the design elements
  • new add-on modules variant configurator and Vidya.Sketch

Target group: CAD and Vidya users


  I would like to make an individual appointment


Pattern design with Cad.Assyst


  • pattern design
  • grading
  • marker making

Target group: Interested parties and customers


  I would like to make an individual appointment

3D Visualization & Simulation

3D fit testing

Content: Checking the fit of clothing in 3D and correcting errors quickly

Target group: pattern makers, designers and product managers in the apparel industry


  I would like to make an individual appointment

3D Visualization & Simulation

Overview Vidya in 3D

Content: Overview, what can 3D-Vidya do for you in a digitalized world?

Target group: pattern makers, designers and product managers in the apparel industry


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Product Life Cycle Management

PLM.GoLive: Open tasks - what to do?


  • Overview and transpareny of open tasks

Target group: Interested parties and customers


  I would like to make an individual appointment


Pattern design with Cad.Assyst


  • pattern design
  • modification
  • grading

Target group: Interested parties and customers


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Product Life Cycle Management

CAD integration in PLM.GoLive


  • Use CAD data and dimensions

Target group: Interested parties and customers


  I would like to make an individual appointment

3D Visualization & Simulation

Preview 3D-Vidya Sketch

Content: Advanced design in 3D with a new tool

Target group: pattern makers, designers and product managers in the apparel industry


  I would like to make an individual appointment

Product Life Cycle Management

PLM.GoLive for beginners


  • Product development with model description
  • parts list
  • calculation
  • workflow

Target group: Interested parties and customers


  I would like to make an individual appointment

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