New! Style3D | Assyst Launches Europe-Cloud for Fashion & Sportswear

Collaboration und Digital Asset Management for Fashion, Sports, Workwear and Retail fully GDPR-compliant

Munich, 28.11.2023 – Style3D Cloud, a leading fashion platform for collaboration and digital asset management by Style3D, is now hosted in Europe. This move provides Style3D | Assyst customers in Europe with a fully GDPR-compliant product portfolio.

With the Style3D | Assyst fashion platform, clothing brands, retailers, and suppliers can securely provide digital content and collaborate within their teams. Digital assets can be efficiently processed and reused at any time, increasing the value of each created 3D model. Workflows become significantly faster, and teams collaborate effectively in real-time. Style3D Cloud is part of the end-to-end integrated product portfolio of Style3D | Assyst from 3D design and 2D CAD pattern to production and promotion platforms.

"Our products meet all the requirements of our customers in terms of functionality and compliance with all European regulations," explains Hans Peter Hiemer, Managing Director of Assyst. "The positive feedback from the market has been enormous."




Angelika Methner
Tel.: +49 (0)89 9095050

Assyst is a Style3D company


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