BRAX continua ad ampliare il suo programma di digitalizzazione - con PLM. GoLive e Assyst

The Herford fashion company Leineweber GmbH & Co. KG with its brands BRAX, Eurex, Raphaela and BRAX Golf has taken another big step towards digitization – since January of 2018, the company has successfully integrated Assyst’s PLM. GoLive to develop its products and collections even faster and more efficiently in the future.

Leineweber now controls, manages and networks its entire development process with PLM. GoLive – from article planning to the handover in production. “Our PLM system is based on a proven reference process that we have adapted to the individual requirements of BRAX,” says Michael Stöhr, Director PLM at Assyst. “BRAX is distinguished by the extremely high quality of its products – and the perfection with which they are developed in the company is also reflected in the new process.”

Around 250 of the 1250 employees at BRAX have been working with the PLM system since January. “Together with Assyst, we have thoroughly prepared the introduction of PLM. GoLive and involved our employees extensively in the development process – and this commitment has paid off. The startup with PLM

GoLive ran really smoothly,” says Nicola Ionfrida, BRAX Head of Procurement for Pants. PLM. GoLive has now replaced several BRAX internal tools, bringing together data that was previously managed at different locations. “This creates leaner structures and avoids sources of error, since a lot of our data is only centrally stored once. We’re also creating more synergies, enabling us to develop new collections faster and more efficiently. The BRAX ‘feel smart’ world is slowly taking shape,” adds Thomas Dalsass, Managing Director at BRAX.

BRAX has been using Assyst software solutions for several years now. The CAD.Assyst pattern system was integrated with PLM GoLive. All the information stored in CAD.Assyst, like material quantities and different pattern pieces, is directly entered into BOMs – and consequently into the cost estimate. The company’s own measurement chart is also stored in PLM from the outset, making it available for production and quality assurance. PLM also ensures that employees obtain important information for their particular areas of responsibility more quickly than before.

Another milestone on the road to digitization is the creation of yet another integration: BRAX and Assyst are currently working to establish a link between PLM and the 3D simulation software Vidya. This will result in photorealistic patterns of a garment being integrated into the process at an early stage, achieving yet another level of quality.


Angelika Methner
Tel.: +49 (0)89 90505-121