Texprocess 2019: Collaborate ora - raggiungete la prossima fase della digitalizzazione insieme ad Assyst

The Texprocess in Frankfurt am Main from May 14 to 17, 2019 will see the Assyst team demonstrating how companies in the apparel industry are ushering in the next stage of 3D digitalization and benefiting from 3D across all product phases.

Preparations for the Texprocess 2019 are already in full swing at Assyst. “We’re all running a high ‘trade fair fever’ here right now,” says Dr. Andreas Seidl, CEO of the Human Solutions Group. “Our booth plan has been drawn up – and I can tell you this much – we’ll be showcasing some really exciting highlights! With Vidya Sketch, working with 3D becomes even more efficient – and thanks to its outstanding imagery, we can create absolutely binding designs that provide a real basis for decision-making in product development. We will also be showcasing a digital showroom designed to meet the needs of the industry and enable the next level of digital working beyond product development.”

Digitalization thrives on integrations

Digitalization is still the topic of the clothing industry, and Assyst will be focusing on showing visitors how digital working can succeed right from the start, thanks to the perfect integration of Assyst products and solutions for fast and efficient apparel product development. Under the motto “Collaborate now”, the company will also be showing visitors how all relevant 3D content can be distributed, jointly edited and advanced – in the Cloud. The integration of technologies from other companies is also an important topic for the successful digitalization of the industry, and Assyst will also be addressing this at the Texprocess: Together with the Digital Textile Connection, Assyst will be demonstrating how the combination of technologies in the field of material and color imaging can raise 3D to a new and exciting level of reality, reliably transporting color-accurate information across various process steps. The company will also take part in a Microfactory this year again, showing how digitalization makes new business models possible.

You’ll find Assyst at the Texprocess in Hall 4.0, booth C21!


Angelika Methner
Tel.: +49 (0)89 90505-121