La digitalizzazione - creare opportunità reali per l'industria dell'abbigliamento

Current fashion trends are changing rapidly, and the demand for individualized products is rising – these are the challenges faced by apparel manufacturers today. Now is the time to exploit the benefits of digitization to the full not in individual phases of product development, however, but throughout the entire process chain right down to the finished product in the store – and Human Solutions will show just how this can be done at the PI Apparel show on February 12 and 13 in Los Angeles.

Digitization is currently occupying the industry across all sectors. “Many companies are recently defining their way towards digitization,” says Andre Luebke, General Manager of Human Solutions of North America Inc.. “There's a heady feeling of sweeping change and optimism in the air. When we are talking to our customers and partners, we see that digitization is no longer being challenged and doubted – companies know that digitization offers new opportunities and creates new business models.”

However, the question is, where do you start to get into digital work? And how do you reap the benefits of working digitally during the different phases of a product and connect this to information in such a way as to create added value? “3D is the key to more speed. We offer a simulation that is so close to reality, that you think you can touch the garment. Our software Vidya can replace physical prototypes. The drafts can also be used for order and webshops”, says Andre Luebke. At the PI Apparel, Human Solutions will showcase how 3D is changing the way of product development in the apparel industry. Together with Matthew Cochran, Vice President of Business Development, OnPoint Manufacturing, Inc., Andre Luebke, Human Solutions’ General Manager, will offer a session “Adapting your Design, Development and Manufacturing Processes to the New Shopping Habits of the Everchanging Consumer”.

Size NorthAmerica: An interim report

Human Solutions will also inform visitors about “Size NorthAmerica.” This is the most extensive measurement survey project on the North American continent to date, which started in 2017. It is carried out by Human Solutions in collaboration with many partners. During the survey, body measurements, proportions and demographic data of 18,000 men, women and children will be collected. At the PI Apparel, Human Solutions presents first results and tendencies.

Find more information online:


Angelika Methner
Tel.: +49 (0)89 90505-121

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