Moda in 3D: i giovani designer mostrano cosa sanno fare

Today’s fashion is usually created digitally on computers. Anyone who decides on a profession that involves the creation of clothing should of course be creative, but he or she must also be prepared to learn to work with different software programs. Assyst GmbH, a subsidiary of the Human Solutions Group, presents the Vidya Award once a year to help technical college students prepare for the practical requirements of the industry.

The company offers an annual competition for up-and-coming designers, and to qualify for entry the students have to work with the 3D simulation software Vidya. “More and more apparel companies are introducing 3D into their product development,” says Dr. Andreas Seidl, CEO of the Human Solutions Group. “Young professionals who have already learned how to use 3D during their training are particularly valuable to these companies, because employees usually have to learn how to work with the new technologies from the outset. The combination of young, fresh minds and experienced employees breaking new ground together is very interesting for many companies. This increases the chances of a good start in the profession for the participants – and we want to lay the foundation for this with our competition.

Get deep insights into workflows

“Summer Fashion from Santorini to Saint-Tropez” – that was the motto of the Vidya Awards 2018. Any technical college and university which has a textile and clothing technology department can participate, provided that it uses the Vidya 3D simulation software for teaching its students. This year’s task was to design a summer dress, simulate it in 3D and produce it in real life. For the first time, participants were also asked to create a sales manual this year – yet another element that provides insights into the realistic requirements of everyday work.

1st place for Alla Teske

The student Alla Teske from the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences won the first prize. She received prize money of €1,000. Alla Teske submitted a summer dress with valance (flounce), and with a color concept that ideally matched the motto of the competition. “Her 3D simulation is very convincingly implemented with texture, transparency and valance, proving that she is an expert in the use of the technology,” was the jury’s assessment. The comprehensive sales documents with color variants and rear views as well as the high-quality production of the real garment were other factors that completely convinced the jury.

2nd place goes to a joint design

The 2nd prize and €500 were shared by three students of the Kerschensteiner School, Sara Yeboah, Merve Sen and Arabella Sejdija. The jury also praised the implementation of the competition’s theme in the team’s design: “The design is reminiscent of balmy summer nights in the 1920s in Amalfi.” The simulation particularly convinced the jury with its excellent selection of materials and a very well-prepared embroidery application.

The award ceremony took place at the Fashion Forum 2018 in Munich, where all the competition entries were shown.


Angelika Methner
Tel.: +49 (0)89 90505-121